Sunday 27 September 2009

east is east

This film is about a family that lives in England. This is a very dis functional family because of the views of there traditional Muslim father George and there white mother all George's seven kids are influenced by their surroundings so instead of being a traditional Muslim girl his daughter Meenah would rather play football in the street with the neighbour hood boys. Also his sons do not want to marry the wives that George has arranged for them, they would rather be with the local girls that are not Muslim this upsets George.

The production budget for east is east was 1.9 million this is different to as normal Hollywood film seen as they would cost maybe 6 million and above. The production companies the had a part in east is east are film four , the British Broadcasting Company in association with BBC. film four produces many other films for instance 'This is England' and 'Slum dog millionaire'.

The distributors for east is east were Mirror max films, ocean films 2000, Sandra distribution in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Argentina, Germany and France. this film was distributed in lots of different countries.

The box office takings for 'East is east' were 10 million pounds in the UK and the USA. I would expect 'East is East ' to be played at the Romford VUE because this is a very comical English film which is based in London. This film is available on DVD to be purchased or rented , video also so to be purchased or rented , near on demand TV to watch in the comfort of your own home , TV on demand to watch any time you wish is the comfort of your own home.

This film was created by film4 is a subsidiary company of channel four which is a UK public-service television broadcaster which began working on November 2, 1982. Although commercially self-funded, it is ultimately publicly owned; originally a subsidiary of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), the station owned now and operated by the Channel Four Television Corporation, a public body established in 1990, coming into operation in 1993. this film was also produced by mirror max which is also so a subsidiary Walt Disney which is the largest Media cooperation in the world. Disney are known for their family friendly products and for films that are attract a very wide range of.

1 comment:

  1. Jamal,

    A basic attempt at work with some signs of research and application of material in class.

    To improve:
    - Your spelling, punctuation and grammar is very poor. Simple errors like a lack of capital letters at the beginning of sentences and basic spellings (Enland) must be corrected.
    - Your presentation is very simplistic. One of the aims of this task was to show creative style in HOW the work was submitted which this work lacks.
    - Your answers, especially sections 4 & 5 need to be more reflective and explained in detail.

    An average first impression. To access grades C and above at AS you must do more than the bare minimum. See me after class on Monday.
