Monday 16 November 2009

for miss Severn Sound work on skins


in the clip of skins i was looking at how age is represented in the different characters. with a range from teen age rs to middle age people. the representation i think of the teen age rs is that they run the house and their own live and they get to do what they want, and as long as they find a crafty way of getting out of it. and the representation of the adults are either loud all the time, and they are always swearing the are not good role models for the kids and the can be out smarted by their kids, this is shown through the kids farther. or the parent does not speak often gets on with every one looks after Evey one the is represented thought the mother.
the first sound we hear is the clip is the bells these are not tradition church bell but they are faster than normal church bell to represent that the character is a teen ager. the sound we hear next is the alarm this is diagetic sound which mean the character can hear it. this is to connote that it is time for the teenager to wake up, as he wakes up this show that he is not the stereo typical teen age er that likes to have a lie in. as he turns off the alarm the music turns on this is a non diasgetic sound as the character can not hear this, but shown to seem that he is hearing it. This music is synchronous sound as the pace of the characters activities is in time with the music, this can make the audience obsorbed in to what they are watching and it also emphasizes the images being viewed. because the teen ager is working out to this music this represents that teen agers care about how they look physically. then we hear the alarm on his watch goes off again this is to let him know that it is time to peep at one of his neighbours through the window. because his watch is synchronised to the exact time when he she comes to the window this shows that him and his neighbour have and agreement, and they with want him to stare at her naked body. this shows that she knows that he is watching her and she clearly enjoys it, this represent that she is a middle aged woman who like that atention of young men.

the we hear the clicks of his sister shoes on the street and this represents that she likes to party all night and she quit rebellious, because she is walking on the street when the rest of he family are just waking up. Tony's sister signal to him then he turns on his music all the way to the maximum volume to distact his dad, the music is a diagetic sound, it is very fast and upbeat, it falls into the "Rock" genre of music, through the type of music he listens to, it represents that he is a teenager. the music then moves from diagetic to nondiagetic because the shot swithces to Tony's sister because she can not hear the nusic.
the dad screaming is the first bit of duologue we hear in the clip most of his diologe is swearing and being rude to his son.'every fucking morning.' thought the language he uses we can see that he does not represent the typical father figure. the mode of address he uses is very informal this add to the sence that he is not a typicl father. the mode of address of tony is much more calm than his dad. which is shown throught his diologe
the mother he very little diologue yet she represents the motherly caring figure well because she is in the kitchen cooking and she asks him 'what do you want for breakfast love.'
in conclusions representations through sound of the characters are very bias, because they make the adults looks like kids walk all over them .

1 comment:

  1. Lovely Introduction Jamal that really sums up the representations well. It would be good to use a thing called 'spellcheck' so that the work is easier to read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i know whether you can spell the words correctly or not! I like how you have clearly linked each sound to rep of age. This is a good technique. The conclusion could be longer.

    E/A - 12
    E - 10
    T - 4 - spelling

    26 x 2= 52 D
