Sunday 6 December 2009

evaluate mise-en-scene,editing and camera work of 'Misfits'

Editing for ‘Misfits’
Misfits starts with allot of cut showing flash backs of previous episodes this show that it is an on going series these cuts are hectic. The opening scene is Curtis ‘the athlete’ waking up with a fright from his alarm clock so the motivated cut is sharp and sudden. After he arrives at his community service he is greeted by his girl friend instead of sex they go in to a back room and masturbate these are motivated cutes and they are quit sharp back and forth between Kelly and Curtis to from this we can connote that they are sharing special moment and this is against the rules because only those two are in the scene. Then we move to a party scene the scene starts with a synchronous cuts because the beat to the song at the party start as soon as we zoom out the extreme close up on his eye. There are allot of motivated cuts moving at a fast pace to show the excitement that occurs at a teen age rave/party. Trying to avoid getting caught by the police Curtis flees there are many cuts during this period to show how franticness of his emotions. He also has the power to turn back time and relive event to change there out come while he does this the flash back of the show is running and the viewer can see this happening is his eye this is very fast pace editing. There is match on action when Curtis’s girl friend stabbed by a drug dealer to instead of a cut to see a better angle of the stabbing we cut to a view where the audience cannot see the stabbing happen so the audience can be as surprised as Curtis we he see the stab wound. We see a shot of the part the shot is slowed done so we can see all the different details of the party at our angle from this we can connote that at a teenage rave/party every thing is moving so fast that anything can be easily missed
In conclusion I think that ‘Misfit’s’ does not use a wide range of different cuts because the editor does not want to damage the verisimilitude in the teen drama. I also think that the editing show that teach individual does not have com

Mise-en-scene for ‘Misfits’
The colour scheme of Misfits is main a grey wash over all the scenes for this we can connote that there lives are very gloomy and like a prison when they are at the community service. Also while they are working at this community service they have they colour code of orange, this is the colour of their overalls they have to where this because they do such jobs as scrubbing dirty graffiti of the walls we can from this conclude the this is not a nice area because their many misfit kids and the is allot of graffiti on the walls. The main character which are the four misfits are all dressed to show support what kind of social back ground they are from. Firstly Curtis the inner city black youth who a runner. His dress code is baggy trousers and tank tops. And his girl friend is a party girl who life revolves around sex alcohol and parties so she wears tight fitting outfits with lots of make up and has allot of sex appeal. The other girl where allot of tracksuits and jeans and caps with lots of chain. Form this we can connote that she is a chive. Simon is a loner and his colour scheme completely supports this, he wears allot of darks colour like black, navy blue and dark grey audience can see why he is a loner. And lastly tony he is Irish he is very annoying to the other characters and his dress sense is very neutral so we can not tell what kid of group he represents.
In conclusion the mise-en-scene show what kind of character so if the audience is similar we can relate and understand what situation and how would deal with it. And the mise-en-scene contributes to the verisimilitude very well because the character and the settings seem like place that we are all aware of.

Camera works in 'Misfits'
Misfits have a very limited number of different types of camera shots but it is yours effectively to show the difference in age between the range of characters, for instance Misfits use a lot of close ups when each of the characters are speaking to one another. We can denote that the older a character is, the more mature they act because during the close ups the social work has a stern tone of voice and a very serious look on his face as he speaks to the young offenders. The young offenders on the other hand the actual youth offenders when they have the close up on them there attitude towards their situation were very bad. They also have an establishing shot of the site that hey are doing their community service on which is a run down graffiti ridden community centre. There are many two shots with one of the young offenders talking to the other from this we can connote that the world that they are trying to portray is dominated by young people because there social worker does not have a two shot with another adult. There is a mid shot when the social worker is running to kill the youth offenders after he has been mutated, from this you denote the typical stereo types of that black men are violent and it only get worst as they grow older.
In conclusion there is a variety of camera shots used in Misfits to connote the different ages represented in the TV drama.


  1. You still have not posted your work on representation in online tv show 'freak'. For xams can you ask santa for a diary!

    Editing makes good use of terminology and examples but does nto link to representation. There are also issues with proof reading i.e

    "I also think that the editing show that teach individual does not have com"

    mise-en scene is good on costumes but what about actors performance, lighting, props?

    Just be aware that your camera section is not specific enough with examples and says things like 'sometimes' 'often' rather than givign direct examples,

    Jamal PLEASE do some work over xmas so that i can mark it and help you improve!
