Sunday 11 October 2009

Brotherly Love

I work for 'Hollywood Flix' this is a major film company that caters to a wide range of audiences by targeting all age groups. i was given a budget of 30million to create a film. T his film is an action adventure film. The scenario of my film is, a British science technician who has a super alter ego.

The synopsis of this film is, in a laboratory two British science technicians who are brothers are working on a cure for cancer, something goes terribly wrong and there is an explosion. The two technician both have a diabolical reaction to the chemicals that they were using to cure this horrible disease. One of the brothers plan to use their new found powers for evil and world domination.the younger brother who is more morally sound decides against this decision. the bad brother kidnaps the good brothers wife who he loves very much and tries to make the good brother choose between saving the world and saving his wife. The two brother have a show down at the site where he is holding the good brothers wife. After a long battle good triumphs over evil and the world is saved. the bad brothers is killed, OR IS HE??

Due to the films large budget i can afford to have lots of different settings in the world, to show that there are no limits to these two super beings.
one location is Central London's tower bride this is where the two bothers have their final show down. this is also the place where the good brother's wife ins being held against her will this will be the climax of the film to film in this location it will cost 1million dollars
Another location in the film will be laboratory this set will have to be created this lab will have a range of chemicals and it and is also the site where the explosion happens. this location will cost 1 hundred thousand dollars.
a small fight scene this is when then bad brother try to knock down the Eiffel tower. He is stopped by the good brother but he flees. This is to shot that the powers have no limits and they can go anywhere they want in the world with ease. To film here it will cost 1 hundred thousand dollars
This is another location to back up the previous picture but because this is in Britain it will cost 10 thousand dollars.
I have chosen these character because i fell that they represent the roles of the character very well.

I chose Micheal Ciane to play Stuart Write, the two brothers father. He will cost 1million dollars.

I chose Daniel Craig to play Phillip Write, the big brother who will also the be the evil brother. he will cost 5 million dollars

I chose Jude Law to play James Write, the younger brother who will be the good brother. He will cost 5 millions dollars.

I have casted Kate Winslet to play Marry Wright, the wife of James Wright. she will cost 1million dollars.

I have casted Vinnie Jones as the hench man of the bad big brother, his name will be Steve Jackson. he will cost 2million dollars.
the music i have chosen is the music the i will set the mood of an action adventure film. I have chosen an original orchestra to play atmospheric songs thought out the film, this will cost 5 hundred thousand dollars. I have chosen and international group to record a song to play during our fight scene which will be the climax of the film this group will be Evanescence and the song that they will record is wake me up inside. I have chosen that same group to record an original sound to play during the end credits this will be the films sound track.
The target audience of my film is wider range it ranges from teen age rs to middle age people who like an exciting thrill ride of a film. it is mainly aged at the male gender because this film has allot of action and adventure. This film is not really aimed at a certain ethnicity but it is not really aimed at people who live rural life styles.
The film that i am creating represents Britishness very well because it show that exciting things happened in Britain as well as America, it also shows that we Britain is able to have super heroes and villains as well.

synergy is very important because the more you synergy in your movie the more you get paid by for it, from the different companies. I have chosen to use synergy and with a McDonalds because my film is a family movie which mean this is a great palace to promote a company like McDonalds because my target audience and the target audience of McDonalds will be very similar. This will occur with product placement, i will have the two super hero’s fighting and this will happen near a McDonalds. I will also put one of my characters in a commercial in order to help the movies publicity. I will also use product placement with and Apple Mac computer this will be in the laboratory where the two scientists are working on the cure for cancer. The other type of synergy i will use is that I will go to the biggest pop record label and get an upcoming artist to sing the sound track for my movie this is called ..... this will benefit my both sides of this agreement because this will get the upcoming artist publicity and my movie will get it also. In the movie i will use more product placement by having a Samsung HD television at the dad house and i will have in the movie him talking about how he cannot use it. The raisers they and link their super powers to the raiser they use. Which each bit of synergy it earns my fill £500, 000 and there are 6 pieces of synergy this will make my film an extra £3 million towards my budget and i have also been given a bonus of £15 million. So my overall budget is now 31.7 million pounds.

To make my film i will need the best film crew to make this film be the best that it can be. Firstly i will need a director i have chosen this director because he has good credentials he was the director of the movie Spiderman. the director will cost me £7.5 million it is good to have a director like this because when they find out that it was the director who did Spiderman more people would want to see my film and he will have allot of experience with these type f film. However the bad thing is about having a director of his calibre is that he may not be open to try new ideas and the ideas that he could come up with maybe abet to cliché and predictable. I will need the biggest and best production team which will cost me £2.5 million. The good reason for having a production crew this good is they are very experienced at what they do and they are the best so they will make my film good. The bad thing about the production team this big will cost allot of money to transport around to different places because this film has allot of national and international settings. The best Editor that i can get will cost me £2 million this will benefit the movie by making it run smoothly and making all the cut and any other things we need to add to the movie seem natural. Because the editor is experienced, however their work may be too high tech and he may have the whole movie on a computer this creates a problem because any computer no matter how good it is can cash, get Brocken, stolen or lost and if any of these things happen my movie is lost. Special effects are very important so i am getting the best special effects that i can which will cost £2 million the good thing about spending so much money to get the best is that with the best special effect anything i want can happen in the movie i can create anything using CGI. However of all this CGI it may hurt the verisimilitude of the film. The whole movie crew will cost me £13.5 million.

The technology i will use film ‘Brotherly Love’ the cameras i will DVW900 camera this is the best type of cameras you can get. it will cost £13,794.25 and we will be gettin of 6 of these. and the tapes cost £10.20 and we will be getting 20 of these. i will be using macs to put together the film and the soft where i will use is i moves these will cost £1349 and i will get 3 of them. the lasst thing that i will add to my film is special effects this will cost

1 comment:

  1. the lay out id not how i wanted it to look like and its not letting me edit it
