Sunday 18 October 2009

channel four

Early channel four and independent film have some differences and some similarities for instance in channel four's Remit which is what they are trying to achieve it states that they try to appeal to the taste and appeal and interests of a diverse society, and both early channel four and independent films do this. most independent film are have a documentary feel to it and channel four show documentary and both giver and incite in to real peoples lives and show location that normal people can relate to. also the camera works in both channel four and independent films are not advanced which makes it hard to watch, they do not stick to the camera rules. channel four and independent film both have a niche audience because they both tackle controversial issues.
channel four help the innovation of British television by first taking risks by tackling controversial issues for instance in the beautiful launderette, they tackle inter racial relationships and doing this channel four set the tone for others to produce more difficult themed programmes. so channel four has help the innovation by leading the way to originality in brutish films.
channel four is now attracting a much wider rang of audience by the way it has strayed from the ethos of its original remit as a public service channel to include programmes of an educational nature and other of educative value. by broad American show such as scrub and friends between 1993 to 1999. these programmes are solely shown for entertainment and have no educational value at all. also in 200 channel four launched a show called big brother have over 10 million viewers this is the most watched show on channel four. programmes like this also so have no educational values and is repeated series after series just to gain rating for channel four. when channel four first started it had individuality from all the channel but now just to gain ratings it has conformed to what all the other channels do.
i feel that the factual programmes on channel four do not have No where near the same value as 25 years ago because it does not deal with issues like it did back then now it deals with issues like life is one big freak show. The channel is not looking in to way some one is like this they just focus on that fact that the person with the abnormality as a freak and they can gain rating by showing them. 25 years ago these abnormalities were handled in a serious way and looked in to with great detail and the programmes help educate people more 25 years ago.
channel four still in some ways still maintains its original remit by, still showing educational programmes and still tackling some controversial topics. and still does appeal to the taste of a diverse society.
a vertical integration is when a parent companies owns the production companies at different stages for instance wanner brothers . there fore channel owner ship of film four production is an example of vertical integration.

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